(810) 626-7119
5520 E M-36
Pinckney, MI, 48169 United States
Nonprofit organization
Tax ID 27-2228933
Star Dogs and Training
From Shelter to Training in Correctional Facilities
Selected from Animal Shelters Across Michigan
We carefully select dogs from animal shelters across the state of Michigan, assessing them for the behaviors and characteristics needed to become exceptional service dogs.
Training in Correctional Facilities
Our dogs begin their journey from shelters to becoming service dogs in correctional facilities. They start their training under the expert supervision of our trainers at Blue Star Service Dogs. This takes place in one of three prison-based programs: Thumb Correctional Facility in Lapeer, Saginaw Correctional Facility in Freeland, or Woodland Center Correctional Facility in Whitmore Lake, Michigan. Here, each dog is paired with an inmate handler, whom we call our teammate. They live together 24/7 for 4-6 months, during which the dogs learn basic obedience, command training, and pre-task training.
Transition to Veteran and First Responder Partnership
After completing their initial training, the dogs are matched with veteran and first responder participants. Together, they attend weekly sessions at our Training Center in Pinckney, Michigan. These sessions focus on building trust, honing skills, and mastering the tasks required for service dog certification. The dogs are trained in tasks specifically tailored to their veteran or first responder handlers; a few examples are watching my back, blocking, picking up dropped items, waking their handler from nightmares, and much more. Over 250 hours of rigorous training include several levels of testing, such as Canine Good Citizen, Canine Good Citizen Advanced, and Canine Good Citizen Urban. Additionally, we utilize standardized tests from Assistance Dogs International to ensure successful community training prior to graduation.
By the end of our program, each service dog is well-prepared to provide invaluable support to their veteran or first responder partner.
Bring Your Own Dog Program
For some of our veterans and first responders, a special bond has already formed with a beloved canine companion in their home. Our Bring Your Own Dog program caters to this unique circumstance. Upon acceptance into the program, the veteran's or first responder's dog undergoes a thorough evaluation to determine its suitability for service dog training.
Certain criteria must be met by the dog:
Completion of basic obedience classes or training before application
Spayed or neutered
Certification of good health from a veterinarian, including up-to-date vaccinations and preventatives, as well as a rabies license
Possession of a current county license from the county they reside in
No history of aggression or other undesirable behaviors, including no bite history
Additionally, for those who wish, there is an option to place their dog into our prison-based training program. This offers an intensive and structured environment for their dog's development.
The training process unfolds through weekly sessions spanning at least a year at our Training Center in Pinckney, Michigan. Here, the veteran or first responder and their dog work together to strengthen their bond and embark on a journey of healing and growth.